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E. densa, commonly known as Anacharis and Water Weed, is an aquatic perennial native to the warm and temperate regions of South America. It is now naturalized in Central and North America, Europe and Australia. Anacharis is a vigorous growing plant that has many branching stems that are clothed in whorls of sessile, linear leaves. The leaves have pointy tips that ordinarily bend backward and grow an inch in length. In warm water, 73° F and higher, the stems become spindly. Tiny, white flowers are produced on the tops of stems that reach the surface of the water.

Pot Cultivation

Anacharis doesn't require soil to survive, since they absorb nutrients mainly through their leaves. They can easily anchor themselves into gravel or sand. These plants are usually sold weighted down; therefore, they can simply be tossed into the pond and allowed to sink. They may also be planted in containers of gravel, sand or soil and set under the water. They just need to be anchored down and not allowed to float.


The brittle branchlets break off from the parent to form new plants. Cuttings may also be taken and rooted.

E. densa;


  • E. densa;
  • E. canadensis. 

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